10 Things I’ve Learned About Myself…Since The Last Time I Learned About Myself

Man, what a convoluted title.  Maybe next time it will be 10 things I’ve learned about myself since the last time I learned about myself since the last time I learned about myself.

Maybe not.

I liked this post so much that I thought I’d revive it again for Good Friday.  Hope you enjoy a new list of lessons as much as I enjoyed writing them!!

1.  My hair will never cooperate with me.  It’s useless.  When I want it to flip out, it curls under.  When I want it to curl under, it flips out. And then with all this wind and stuff in the rainy season, it’s virtually pointless.  Maybe I’ll shave my head.

2.  I like sunny days way better than dreary days, but sometimes a dreary day is exactly what I need.  Put on the Carole King, Patti Griffin & JJ Heller, clean the house, do laundry or just sit and veg…and be thankful that I can.

3.  It’s NBA Postseason.  Reminds me how much I hate the NBA.  That’s all.

4.  But it is baseball season!  Go Cubbies!  Maybe I’ll hit up a Cardinals/Cubs game over in St. Louis this year.  Sounds like a plan.

5.  I hate, I mean really hate taxes.  I’ve had one year in my whole adult working career that I haven’t had to pay in extra at the end of the tax year.  One year.  Oh, well.  I guess it’s better than letting the government use my extra money for their misguided programs that they fund and hoping they’ll have some left over to give me a refund. (That’s all I’m saying on the subject)

6.  I’ve started trying to wear my contacts again.  I’m having to wear them a few hours more each day than I did the last.  Looks like my ten-year hiatus from contacts is making me realize how hard it is to get back into something that should have been a regularity in my daily life.  Hmmm…sounds like I might be able to post about that sometime.

7.  I gave up sugar for Lent.  I thought it would be one of the hardest things I’d done.  It was actually pretty easy.  I’ve only craved it a couple times in the last 37 days.   Makes me think that this should maybe become a way of life?  Trying to decide now what I’ll cut out of my diet next that really doesn’t need to be there in the first place.  Grains maybe?  I do love me some bread.

8.  In all seriousness, though, my efforts to get more active are falling way short.  I really find myself wanting to run a 5k with my friend Cathy this July, but I’m doubting myself…and then I see the videos of the Biggest Losers doing a 5k their first week at the ranch.  Surely I can do it.  Geez.

9.  In my head the distance between who I am and who I want to be is this huge gap.  In reality, the distance between who I am and who God wants me to be is the thing I really need to be considering.  And for Him, distance is nothing.

10.  It’s Good Friday.  Everywhere churches are bringing in Bible scholars, new lights for the stages, breaking out new songs and going to extra mile to make Easter service the best service people have ever been to.  It’s got me thinking a lot about what Jesus did this week before His death.  He went off with His friends.  He encouraged them.  He didn’t put on a show and try to be anything that He wasn’t.  He built relationships that people still talk about and study.  Kinda makes me that maybe we’re missing the point a little.  Maybe it’s not about the flashy lights or the rockin music (as much as I love it all).  Maybe it’s about being honest with people, letting them know we’re flawed and letting them know we have walked and will continue to walk with them.  A life reflecting Jesus, isn’t that the message we’re supposed to be living?

About Julie

I'm just a girl struggling to find my place in this world like everyone else. Everywhere I look in my life and the lives of those I love I see God's love, whether it's in good times or bad. God's grace is here, it's amazing and He is totally in love with us!
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2 Responses to 10 Things I’ve Learned About Myself…Since The Last Time I Learned About Myself

  1. Bethany says:

    1. If you come to a Cards/Cubs game I want to go too. I didn’t get to see them play last year.

    2. I’m pretty sure I need to eliminate dairy from my diet, but I’m struggling with it.

    3. I told a friend the other day that I’ve never been more unhealthy in my life. I feel guilty when I advise my patients on nutrition and exercise when I’ve been failing miserably at the same. Now that I’m out of classes for a couple weeks I’m going to get back into a routine. I’m trying to get ready to run a 5K. I don’t have a race or date picked yet, but I decided that I want to do another.

  2. Julie says:

    1. Absolutely!!

    2. Dairy isn’t a huge struggle on the milk-drinking part. It’s HUGE on the cheese part. I’m thinking gluten-free, too, might be the best way to avoid a lot of stuff.

    3. If I don’t pick a date, I’ll never do it. This would be my first one, so hopefully I won’t make a complete fool of myself!!!

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